Okay.. so today I've completed my first project. An e-commerce web app built using React js and Firebase. I completed this project in a month. I...
Just recently, I took up a course on Educative where I am learning Object-Oriented Programming in Javascript. The concept of object-oriented...
With the introduction of GPT-4, a powerful AI system, the debate about whether AI can replace humans has been reignited. GPT-4 is capable of...
Few days ago I was thinking what I love to do and can I pull it off? I had this thought because I realize that I suck at frontend and it's fine...
Let's start by understanding unit testing and why you need to test your code before deploying to production! Unit Testing - It is a form of testing...
https://api.daily.dev/devcards/80b471dd7b684a2eb1141c8defc89386.png?r=cyh Great idea of a dev card and a great extension - Daily dev